Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Men's Health Magazine Repeats Cover

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Sounds like Laziness to me....

Men's Health repeated an extremely similar cover with Taylor Lautner in December 2009 compared to a cover in December 2007 with Jason Statham.

Men's Health response? "The magazine's editor tells Mediaitethat the recycling is an intentional stunt, and that they sent an alternate cover to subscribers. "Rest assured-it's this originality and reporting rigor that's made us the biggest men's magazine brand in the world," says editor-in-chief David Zinczenko. "


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Individual Health Insurance and Plans

Getting Excellent Health Insurance Quotes

Getting health quotes for you and your family to be safe and protected if you happen to fall ill, is just something that you have to do and thinking about it early on in life is quite important too. The more you prepare for these expenses when you are studying and saving money, the easier it will be for you when you finally leave the nest, as it were, and start a family of your own. When you do get married and find that there are so many expenses to consider make sure that you consider health insurance as one of the main priorities.

If you have started to earn your own money and have been thinking about getting health insurance then you are on the right track in your life. Many people neglect to get health insurance quotes and look for comprehensive health insurance plans. This is one of the most important things that you need to do in your life and yes it can be expensive, what with the car insurance and household insurance that you also have to pay. Your health is one of the things that should not get left to chance and if you happen to get very ill or need surgery, you will want to be able to get the best care. The last thing you will want to worry about is if you can afford to get better or not.

With the individual health insurance you will find that it is rather affordable and on this you will be covered for a certain number of illnesses and medication as well as surgical procedures. You will also have to consider that maybe one day you will need the maternity plans that some of the health insurance plans have to offer. While finding the cheapest insurance is always the key, you should also not fail to consider all of the options that you may need further down the line. Also take into consideration some of the illnesses and diseases that certain of the plans cover. If there is a history of cancer in your family for example, make sure that you pay a little bit extra to get the family health insurance with all the options for cancer treatments.

When you get to the age of having a family, you will also need to make sure that you have family health insurance and health quote for this will also need to be very carefully scrutinized to find the best options that are still affordable. At this stage in your life you will also probably start thinking about schooling policies and retirement plans. All of these add up and sometimes it seems impossible to pay it all. If you do however have to choose only some of the policies and insurances that are out there, at least choose a purchase cialis plan which is cheaper and will help you in the event that you need to go to cheap cialis. Health insurance does of course cover more, but it is also more expensive.

Daftar obat kuat yang berbahaya dan harus anda hindari.

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Sildenafil Sitrat dapat menyebabkan sakit kepala, pusing, dispepsia, mual, nyeri perut, gangguan penglihatan, rinitis (radang hidung), infark miokard, nyeri dada, palpitasi (denyut jantung cepat) dan kematian.
Tadalafil dapat menyebabkan nyeri otot, pusing, sakit kepala, mual, diare, nyeri abdomen, dispepsia, nyeri punggung, muka memerah, hidung tersumbat, fotosensitivitas, kehilangan potensi sex permanen. cialis bersifat melebarkan pembuluh darah yang menyebabkan penurunan tekanan darah, pasokan oksigen dan darah ke dalam otot jantung menurun, nyeri dada yang tidak stabil, irama jantung tidak normal, stroke.
Kegiatan memproduksi dan atau mengedarkan Obat Tradisional dan Suplemen Makanan yang mengandung Bahan Kimia Obat, melanggar Undang Undang Nomor 23 tahun 1992 tentang Kesehatan dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp.100.000.000,- (seratus juta rupiah) dan Undang Undang Nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen yang dapat dikenakan sanksi dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan atau denda paling banyak 2 (dua) miliar rupiah.
Kepada masyarakat / konsumen yang memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Unit Layanan Pengaduan Konsumen Badan POM RI di Jakarta, nomor telepon : 021 4263333 atau Balai Besar / Balai POM di seluruh Indonesia.
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1 Blue Moon TR. 072367741 PT. Pacific Healthcare Indonesia, Jakarta Tadalafil No. Reg. dibatalkan

2 Caligula Kapsul TR. 053350501 PJ. Air Madu, Magelang Sildenafil Sitrat No. Reg. dibatalkan

3 Cobra-X Kapsul TR. 993 205 621 PJ. Ragil Sentosa, Cilacap Sildenafil Sitrat Mencantumkan No. Reg. fiktif

4 Hwang Di Shen Dan TI. 054318931 Ruifeng Pharmaceutical, Co. Ltd / PT. Multi Usaha Sentosa Sildenafil Sitrat No. Reg. dibatalkan

5 Kuat Tahan Lama Serbuk Depkes. TR.147/11-10/2005 PD. Jamu Moro Sehat, Banjar Negara Sildenafil Sitrat Mencantumkan No. Reg. fiktif

6 Lak Gao 69 TR. 053349861 PJ. Jaya Sakti Mandiri, Semarang Sildenafil Sitrat No. Reg. dibatalkan

7 Lavaria TR. 063358221 PT. Rama Farma, Jakarta Sildenafil Sitrat No. Reg. dibatalkan

8 Maca Gold TI. 074324341 PT. Paramitra Media Perkasa, Jakarta Sildenafil Sitrat No. Reg. dibatalkan

9 Manovel SI. 054520691 Yunnan Pharmaceutical Industrial Co., Ltd. Kunming Zhenhua Pharma. Factory / PT. Sari Sehat qq. Capung Indah Abadi, Magelang Tadalafil No. Reg. dibatalkan

10 Okura TR. 073 371 721 PT. Herbalindo Sukses Makmur, Tangerang Sildenafil Sitrat No. Reg. dibatalkan

11 Otot Madu TR. 063358181 PT. Rama Farma, Jakarta Sildenafil Sitrat No. Reg. dibatalkan

12 Rama Stamin TR. 063361071 PT. Rama Farma, Jakarta Sildenafil Sitrat No. Reg. dibatalkan

13 Sanomale SD. 051 322 251 PT. Pyridam Farma, Cianjur Tadalafil No. Reg. dibatalkan

14 Sari Madu Kapsul TR. 043103235 PJ. Sari Madu Murni Sildenafil Sitrat Mencantumkan No. Reg. fiktif

15 Stanson TI. 074325091 TY Healthcare Product, C. Ltd / PT. Rajawali Sukses, Jakarta Sildenafil Sitrat dan Tadalafil No. Reg. dibatalkan

16 Sunny Zang Wang Xiong Ying Dan Pil TI. 034406731 Tibet Yuthog Healthy Product.Co.Ltd / PT. Cahaya Bioteknologi Farmasi, Jakarta Sildenafil Sitrat No. Reg. dibatalkan

17 Sunny Zang Wang Xiong Ying Kapsul TI. 034306751 Tibet Yuthog Healthy Product.Co.Ltd / PT. Cahaya Bioteknologi Farmasi, Jakarta Sildenafil Sitrat No. Reg. dibatalkan

18 Teraza TR. 063361081 PT. Rama Farma, Jakarta Sildenafil Sitrat No. Reg. dibatalkan

19 Top One Kapsul TR. 043100644 PJ. Paladipa, Solo Sildenafil Sitrat Mencantumkan No. Reg. fiktif

20 Tripoten SD. 031307461 PT. Dexa Medica, Palembang Tadalafil No. Reg. dibatalkan

21 Urat Perkasa Kapsul TR. 001508741 PJ. SM Jaya, Cilacap Sildenafil Sitrat Mencantumkan No. Reg. fiktif

22 Zu-Mex TR. 063356511 CV. Mega Maju Mekar, Jakarta Tadalafil No. Reg. dibatalkan .

Jadi untuk mencapai kepuasan yang anda inginkan, jangan memilih obat ataupun ramuan yang salah !